9-0 VICTORY AT SCOTUS: American Rule of Law Holds Firm.
The Supreme Court of the United States yesterday unanimously ruled that the effort to remove President Trump from the ballot by the States is unconstitutional – the rule of law prevails in America once again.
Other than yours truly, not a single candidate in this race for Congress has acknowledged or even mentioned the 9-0 upholding of the Constitution for our Republic. Let that sink in: those who want to swear to represent you on the Constitution won’t even mention it being upheld unanimously today in a major victory for our nation from those hordes who sought to undermine it with over 30 lawsuits in states trying to remove President Trump from the ballot.
Democrat law professor Jonathan Turley of George Washington Law said of today’s ruling: “The Court showed a divided nation that we remain bound by shared constitutional values,”…
The attacks to remove President Trump from the ballot are some of the most egregious attacks on our Republic, and my opponents won’t even speak of them. So much for defending our Constitution.
Do you believe they will speak up for your rights in Congress, since they won’t even do so when not yet there? Not when it matters when the heat is on them. But not so me. I will win in November as your next Congressman because I can win votes across the aisle. Whether you are Republican, Democrat or Independent, you know one thing well – I will speak up and fight for you regardless of Party.
There is much to hope and work for as we campaign to win this seat to represent you well. Please join me today and sign up to have a sign placed, volunteer, host a house party and contribute whatever you can.
Thank you and God bless this land and our beautiful Constitution.

Dan Cox, Candidate for Congress (R-MD6)