Drop Everything and Listen to Presidente Bukele As Soon As Possible.


I just experienced one of the best speeches and warnings to America ever heard, right in line with the warnings of President Trump and his exposure of the corrupt deep state cabal.

You need to drop everything you are doing and watch this message from President Bukele of El Salvador. 

Bukele said and I paraphrase “We must remove corrupt judges, prosecutors and officials – since when did they receive an election mandate?  Corrupt officials must be removed.  This is how we did it in El Salvador and then we won re-election in safe and secure elections by 86% – with 95% in our Congress!”

He is telling us that we in America are a frog in a boiling pot but it’s not too late if we stand up, jump out of the pot and fight for our freedoms.  His message is my message.

My RINO opponents like to smirk at America First candidates such as myself – all while many of these same so-called “conservative” neo-globalist candidates grow quiet and even join in support for the leaders of the pro-globalist cabal that locked down our churches, schools, businesses and homes – and threatened our homes during Thanksgiving with government snitch lines like a bunch of radical communist STASI.  

People died from the executive orders preventing care and access to try safe medications.  How dare they try for office again!

BE WARNED: even my friend and opponent Neil Parrott now supports the World Economic Forum (WEF)-embracing Hogan who has done nothing but advance their globalist agenda and crush our liberty here in Maryland and these United States – including threatening and intimidating our governors and states, and who put Maryland back into the Paris Climate Treaty illegally.

But I am here to STAND and DEMAND with you: no more wishy-washy leadership parroting the globalist cabal.  I will clean House!  America is fading fast but we can save our Constitution and freedom if we transform and restore our Republic from the top to the bottom now.

Washington is committing this corruption and evil on us and our children, so to Washington we must march and clean House.  

Alongside President Trump, I intend to fight the radical Marxists complete with their tax-payer funded NGOs and globalist World Economic Forum (WEF) influencers who I will continue to work to bring down on Day One in order to support you.  No other opponent has taken this pledge – and that is why I am honored to be the front running candidate.

Please help me take this fight to Washington and like President Bukele warns, take immediate action to save our nation from its pending economic, moral and legal collapse.

Don’t take my word for it – watch his speech.  I’ve linked it here and also below. I promise you will be both awakened and inspired to action.

Then, please help me with your contribution this weekend to ensure we fight and win. For those generous friends who have just donated thousands to our campaign in the last two days of this push, THANK YOU.  But we are below-goal and need to keep up our momentum with your $25, $50, $100 or $350 contribution.  Thank you for helping!

God bless America,

Dan Cox, Candidate for Congress (R-MD6)

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