We Must Not Allow the Constitution to Be Trashed.


Did you see what happened this week to our Constitutional display in DC? Radical leftists desecrated the display of our Constitution in DC with communist red dye dust. That is an example symbolically of what the Left wants to do to our families, because it is the bulwark of the Constitution that stands in their way.

I am a fighter for that constitutional liberty. I am also a problem solver and have made a living on solving the problems of others at law – sometimes complex and in need of compromise – for over 17 years. But I never compromise on God, family, and Constitution.  Principles matter.  Statism, socialism and Communism must be forever beaten.

This is a quick note from me before I head out the door to my third candidate forum this week tonight in Poolesville.

We are running strong and are in position to win.  With your help we can stay on target with fundraising and I must say, thank you for all you have done before – and if you can help me now it is crucial.

The anti-America first, anti-Trump establishment is backing others against me, so I need your help if you want to join me in speaking in the gates for our freedom.

You know me – I do not back down from principle and constitutional protections.  I also have a gift of enjoying working with anyone across the aisle because I am not beholden to Party interests, but to God and the law of the land, our God-given Constitution.  But I need your support.

Here is the secure contribution link:  https://secure.anedot.com/dan-cox-for-congress-inc/donate 

Your immediate and generous help to our fundraising is much appreciated. Thank you also for your volunteer sign-ups and prayers.  We will be in touch as there are only 90 days until the Primary Election Day.

Freedom and Victory,

Dan Cox
[email protected]
[email protected] 

Dan Cox for Congress, Inc.
P.O. Box 3952
Frederick, MD 21705

Fmr. Delegate Dan Cox
District 4, Frederick and Carroll Counties (2019-2023)

’24 Republican Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives, MD-CD6


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