In-Person Voting Begins Tomorrow.
My opponent is a nice guy – but nice and WEAK is not a reason we elect a representative to Congress. Tomorrow, when the in-person voting begins, the question on many voter’s minds will be whether their candidate is strong enough to keep their word and end the SWAMP.
Did you know that Neil Parrott SUPPORTS THE INFLATIONARY MASSIVE BILLIONS of your taxpayer dollars being sent to UKRAINE WAR?
On February 17, 2024 at our GOP CD6 Debate he said just that to this question: “Would you end US Foreign Aid to the War in Ukraine?” and he answered, “NO, we have a responsibility to protect UKRAINE.”
HOW ABOUT A RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT AMERICA’S BORDERS?!!! That’s what I believe. After I pointed this out, Neil later said on the day of the $61 BILLION vote he “will look around and see what others do on that issue” and as quoted in The Washington Post he said “I don’t know [now] how I’d vote [on $61 BILLION US dollars to send to Ukraine for War]…”. That is weak and it is wrong – endangering all of us.
But without your support Maryland could have more of this kind of wishy-washy weak-willed failure to our country.
Yet, there is more than whether we might have to send our sons and daughters to fight in UKRAINE in WWIII.
The differences between my America First real conservative Republican leadership and Neil Parrot’s weakness include the following:
- Neil is weak on PRIVACY and SOVEREIGNTY (he won’t join me and speak against the WHO Pandemic Treaty and he VOTED for BIG INTERNATIONAL CORPORATIONS TO SELL YOUR BIOMETRIC DATA without your consent – HB 259, 2022).
- Neil is weak on inflationary spending (would send BILLIONS to Ukraine War!).
- Neil is weak on election integrity (“2020’s election was not stolen” – at Asians for Trump dinner, ’22 and refused to answer at recent debates).
- Neil is weak on LIFE (“Congress should stay out of the abortion debate” – Balto. Sun 4/11/24).
For my voter guide to print and share with friends who need to know, please see the attached document.
I need to raise our final Primary funding and we are still short. I need urgent fundraising help if you can support me. Now is more important than after the primary at this point since national conservatives will support the winner of the primary. Click here to help us win.
Help me fight the SWAMP with President Trump and have the fuel to run past the finish line on May 14.
Thank you.
Freedom and Victory,
“Seek the peace of the City…and Pray to the LORD for it.” Jeremiah 29:7