THREE DAYS: In-Person Voting Begins Thursday – Dan Cox Stands for America First As the Common Sense Voice for Freedom.
Dear Kira,
Thanks to you, last week we met a short-term financial goal and purchased radio ads. However, we are only 50% there for all radio ads we are buying.
And in just three days, potentially over 30% of the GOP likely voters in the Sixth District will begin to Early Vote.
I need to raise $2500 TODAY to purchase a week of necessary radio ads.
The Washington Post just reported on my performance at two of our three Primary GOP debates where it noted I was the sole candidate who unhesitatingly stood for America First with President Trump, who called out the truth of the 2020 stolen election from Trump, and who opposes recklessly getting us involved in a potential WWIII conflict by funding now over $171 BILLION taxpayer dollars to Ukraine for war.

My opponent was literally quoted as being weak and indecisive in the face of votes that could expose my sons and daughters and our families to having to fight in a possible WWIII, while enslaving them with monstrous national debt. My opponent was exposed being to the Left of President Trump on foreign policy, saying he was unsure whether he would vote to send Billions of your dollars to Ukraine (after he previously said in our second debate that he would vote to send taxpayer funds to Ukraine).
Yet, my comments to the Post show fiscal restraint, positive hope and practical correction, because of the economic crisis and will bridge the gap with Democrat and Independent voters.
Read the article here.
We don’t need wishy-washy politicians in Congress at this critical hour of need. I have a proven record of standing firm for our Constitution and the lives and well-being of my constituents, getting much done as a state delegate and constitutional lawyer to advance our freedom.
I humbly ask for your vote. And I humbly ask for your support of any amount. Thank you to those who have already supported us – we are now on over five radio stations in the area. But I have to pay for another five stations and more.
If everyone reading this chipped in just $100 each, we would have two weeks of radio commercials through May 14, not just one. But whatever you can help with is so appreciated. THREE DAYS.
Thank you, God bless and let’s win this.
Freedom and Victory,

Dan Cox, Sixth District Candidate for Congress (MD-6)